23 outubro 2005


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The New [human] GenrePrimo [first] Posthuman by Natasha Vita-More

Paper delivered at Ciber@RT Conference, Bilbao, Spain April, 2004International Conference "Challenges for a Ubiquitous Identity""Planetary Art: Art in search of a new image for human nature"

"The New [human] Genre — Primo Posthuman"

Many trends never catch on. They remain thoughts without a future. It is a lexicon of culture that takes hold and finds its way across generations and circumstances. Thus is the story of human nature, as it is diced and sliced over the millennia by theoreticians, philosophers, artists and scholars. With theories tripping effortlessly onto blank slates, the cyclic changes of social progress move proudly forward and humbly backward judging our passions—the causes and effects of existence.

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