03 setembro 2009

Nanotecnologia na Arquitetura
Nanoarchitecture.net propõe-se a informar arquitetos e designers sobre nanotecnologia. O site posta artigos sobre desenvolvimentos emergentes em nanotecnologia que podem revolucionar o projeto e caracterizar os trabalhos possíveis em nanotecnologia.

nano.gov The National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) is a federal R&D program in the USA that has been established to coordinate multi-agency efforts in nanoscale science, engineering, and technology.
nanobuildings.com Is a welcome resource for architects. It provides technical information about advanced technology facilities for nanotech research and development, and includes relevant information about the design and construction of such projects.
yeadon.net Peter Yeadon’s leading research on the architectural implications of nanotechnology. He is a New York City architect that envisions new applications for nanotechnology that leap beyond architecture.
housesofthefuture.com.au The University of Technology Sydney house of the future number 6 will present nanotechnology research from around the world. Its architecture will showcase both commercially-available products, and prototypes of recent research into materials science.
iop.org What is Nanotechnology? by the Institute of Physics.
nanowerk.com Ten things you should know about nanotech.
nanotech-now.com One of the best nanotechnology glossaries available online.
nanoword.net A nanotechnology encyclopedia focusing on educating the general public.
imm.org The Institute for Molecular Manufacturing conducts and supports research on molecular manufacturing.
foresight.org The Foresight Nanotechnology Institute is the leading think tank on nanotechnology.
nanoethics.org The Nanoethics Group is a non-partisan and independent organization that studies the ethical and societal implications of nanotechnology.
nanotechproject.org While not comprehensive, this inventory gives the public the best available look at the hundreds of nanotechnology-based consumer products currently on the market.
understandingnano.com The Understanding Nanotechnology website is dedicated to providing clear and concise explanations of nanotech applications in areas such as energy, medicine, and consumer goods.

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